Disney Infinity E3 2015 INfluencer

*checks email, spots a subject line “CONFIRMATION: Disney Infinity E3 2015 INfluencer” Mind blows*

E3-invitationWhat an amazing surprise to receive this invitation. I confirmed seconds latter.  Part of me still thought it was a hoax and that when I picked up the badge I would not get one. But to my relief they handed one to me at the pickup both. I dived into the sea of gaming people and walked as fast as I could to the Disney Interactive Booth. They gave us a Disney Infinity 3.0 Star Wars Rise Against the Empire Playset. If you had patience you could get into the line for another free figure. I got my hands on Yoda.

Photo Jun 16, 12 31 57 PMI ran around the first day getting familiar with all the booths and seeing what the rest of the convention was like. I ran into Allison Petrek early the first day and she had me do an interview. That’s the first time I showed anyone from Disney interactive my custom bases. To my surprise she remembered me from posting custom figures on twitter.

The Bungie Booth was near Infinity so I quickly got in line to try the new Taken Kings DLC. They gave us a set of free codes and a Shirt. Lucky for me an employee accidentally pushed me and I dropped my glasses. He felt so bad he gave me extra codes so I sent them out to my  Destiny team mates including my brother. The Nintendo area was also spectacular. If you payed the demos you could earn collectible badges. I went from demo to demo and got all of them on the same day. The hardest badge to get was the smash bros one. But after the third try I got it.  I had a blast my feet dint though I was so tired by the third day haha.